Manifestation Meditation
This meditation allows you to manifest all the things you desire whether that be wealth, health, relationships or self love, the power lies within. All you need to do is create space and peace in yourself to allow the guidance to manifest. Guided meditation is a pleasant state of mind and calming body experience, it’s extremely relaxing there is nothing to do except listen to the suggestions, let go and enjoy the journey.
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Soul Whisperer
Kim Alexis
20 years experience as a psychic, spiritual medium, clinical hypnotherapist, crystal healer and past life regressionist… that I draw upon, assisting clients with their challenges and goals.

Psychic Medium
Available on Zoom, Skype & Whatsapp. Whether online or in person the energy for the reading is the same . As a psychic spiritual medium, I am directly connected to spirit a higher intelligence. This means I am able to tune in and channel information from loved one’s who have passed over and spirit guides. I read the subtle energy field known as the aura of people with clairaudience (hearing) clairvoyance (seeing) and clairsentience (feeling). My one to one readings are very practical, straight forward with gentle life guidance, they help clarify on issues that surround the client from relationships, love, work, business, health, family, travel. I address the core of the matter for the moment and into the future.
Crystal Healing
Crystal healing is a form of vibrational healing or “energy medicine” they are powerful tools when used by a qualified crystal therapist, they help remove negative energy, balance the vital life force and bring about optimum health. The oldest known systems of healing were developed in India and China around 4000 years ago. While different therapies and exercises emerged from them for example; acupuncture, yoga and meditation, the underlying principles are that a healthy body requires a free flow of energy, any impediment to the free flow of this life energy is considered to be a cause of disease.
Past Life Regression
Is a relaxing hypnotic experience where the individual is allowed to sense, feel, hear and see situations from another time and place enabling them to shed light on these mysteries. Using crystals and guided imagery the client is moved into a state of hypnotic relaxation from where we can address the unconscious which holds the keys to past lives. The client is guided to view, recall and heal their experiences. Many mental, emotional and physical problems are solved through Past Life Regression, leaving you able to move forward in this life with a deep level of knowing, acceptance and self love.
It is my understanding that our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs create the conditions of mental ill health and how our upbringing and adulthood has shaped our unconscious mind, these unconscious programmes continue to run us, keeping us in a place of lack of self worth, addiction, shame, anger, victimhood, and a plethora of other negative states. Unconscious programmes can be transformed through my hypnotherapy sessions to bring about empowerment and balance. I work with clients appreciating the spiritual / mental / emotional / physical and inner heart connection, transforming wounds into wisdom.
Will regress you back to uncover, explore and release unconscious emotions, beliefs, hurts, fears and trauma locked in the subconscious of your younger self. These repressed emotions could be the cause of emotional issues and physical ailments in your current life which may hold you back from who you really want to be, panic attacks, anxiety, unfulfilled relationships and numerous other problems. Our Inner Child needs to develop survival behaviours which work well for us at the time acting as excellent protection mechanisms, these are often the core of dysfunctional behaviour patterns in adulthood.
Bespoke Programmes
Intense one on one sessions, two hours a week. By the end of my bespoke fulfillment programs, women who are feeling lost and unappreciated will boost their self-worth, stability and confidence so they can activate their intuition, find their purpose and passion in the world, and create an abundant, fulfilling life.

If you are seeking to shift from old ways of thinking & behaving, to change the way you feel about yourself to something that is empowering, everlasting & grow your intuition, this retreat is for you. Last September this June's Sardinia retreats were a success and I'm happy to report another retreat is on the cards.
“When I first met Kim, I was a true sceptic, and before trying her crystal healing I wanted to see her clairvoyance skills… By which I was blown away. Her specific accuracy ie: names, dates, places was staggering and quite terrifying, despite trying my hardest to fight it, I could not deny she was spot on. I have since tried her crystal healing and after only a few sessions, have started to see results. Her manner is very calming and she tends to her clients with the utmost care and integrity. I hope to continue working with her long term as for the first time I believe someone may be able to really help me. Traditional healthcare has failed me”
“ I came to Kim suffering with paralysing anxiety and overwhelming feelings of doom and hopelessness at times, I trusted Kim immediately. She offered me a refuge every week where I felt understood without judgement. Kim’s intuition alongside the tools of hypnotherapy and crystal healing helped me to come closer to an understanding of the underlying causes of my distress. I naturally feel more compassionate towards myself and I am more able to recognise and avert the thought processes that I would normally had no defense against. Kim continues to be a huge support on my journey towards a life of freedom and contentment.”
“I had been a smoker for over 20 years and had made no real attempt during that time to give up. Having passed 40, and as my ability to climb stairs, walk long distances diminished, I needed to stop. My wife persuaded me to see Kim, albeit I was sceptical at whether she would be able to help me overcome my addiction. I smoked my last cigarette five minutes before walking through her front door. Less than two hours later I was a non smoker – 18 months later that is still the case. Hypnotherapy allied to crystal healing allowed me to break my need for tobacco. Something I will always be grateful to Kim for.”
& Classes
Our workshops and classes will allow you to fully explore your natural abilities to enhance your intuition, psychic and spiritual awareness.
We cover guided meditation, meeting your guides, crystals, mediumship, chakras, past lives, psychometry - handling objects, grounding & protection, clairvoyance -vision, clairsentience - feeling, clairaudience - hearing and anything else you wish to know connected with your spiritual journey....