“I came to Kim suffering with paralysing anxiety and overwhelming feelings of doom and hopelessness at times, I trusted Kim immediately. She offered me a refuge every week where I felt understood without judgement. Kim’s intuition alongside the tools of hypnotherapy and crystal healing helped me to come closer to an understanding of the underlying causes of my distress. I naturally feel more compassionate towards myself and I am more able to recognise and avert the thought processes that I would normally had no defense against. Kim continues to be a huge support on my journey towards a life of freedom and contentment. ”
“I had been a smoker for over 20 years and had made no real attempt during that time to give up. Having passed 40, and as my ability to climb stairs, walk long distances diminished, I needed to stop. My wife persuaded me to see Kim, albeit I was sceptical at whether she would be able to help me overcome my addiction. I smoked my last cigarette five minutes before walking through her front door. Less than two hours later I was anon smoker – 18 months later that is still the case. Hypnotherapy allied to crystal healing allowed me to break my need for tobacco. Something I will always be grateful to Kim for.”
“Dear Kim, I would just like to say thank you for the most wonderful and amazing crystal healing I have ever received in my entire life!! I came into you feeling a very old woman and totally defeated with the pain and degeneration my arthritis was causing me. My neck was causing such bad head pains. I was nearly getting run over because I could not look right and the noises and sensations in my head were frightening. I left you with an amazing feeling of upliftment. The pains and noises in my head were negligable and I was able to look much further right. I had such a wonderful feeling of well being. I cannot thank you, or recommend you enough. Peace, love and light”
“I went for a psychic reading with Kim and was welcomed into her calm and tranquil space. She asked if she could hold my hands ‘that’s the best way for me to tune in ‘she said . I was amazed as she began to download guidance from spirit about my future. My experience was a feeling of flowing water curiously as wave upon wave of extraordinary accuracy about my life was spoken past present and future. She saw me on a platform in the USA being publically acknowledged. To my amazement that was exactly what transpired I finished my gig in San Francisco at the Fort Mason Centre last November, I went out for some fresh air when someone from inside the hall texted andsaid come back in a famous speaker is praising what you did on a microphone on the platform’. I recommend a visit!”
“Thank you Kim for the amazing crystal treatment. With three huge cysts preventing me from continuing fertility treatment I felt desperate that I’d never be able to freeze my eggs for future. But I loved the healing session with you and was sure I could feel it working (though I didn’t want to get my hopes up). But at a scan five days later all of the cysts had disappeared I underwent the fertility treatment and now have a perfect egg in the deep freeze. It wasn’t just the healing but the insight you gave to me about the cause of my cysts (arguments!) that helped me to let go and heal. I feel a lot happier because I could complete the egg freezing treatment but also as I can now see the link between my emotions and body. You have great insight and a gift.”
“When I first met Kim, I was a true sceptic, and before trying her crystal healing I wanted to see her clairvoyance skills… By which I was blown away. Her specific accuracy ie: names, dates, places was staggering and quite terrifying, despite tryingmy hardest to fight it, I could not deny she was spot on. I have since tried her crystal healing and after only a few sessions, have started to see results. Her manner is very calming and she tends to her clients with the utmost care and integrity. I hope to continue working with her long term as for the first time I believe someone may be able to really help me. Traditional healthcare has failed me.”
“Kim is without a doubt one of the best in her field. Her healing guidance and spiritual insights are awesome. She speaks from her heart with a gentle, yet powerful approach and passionately walks her talk. I have been a client of Kim’s for several years and she never ceases to amaze me with her consistency. I highly recommend her teachings, talents, and skills to many clients and will continue to do so as like myself, they have all been blown away with the results.”
“I recently had a psychic reading session lasting an hour. I have had previous experience of it in person two years ago but this time it was on Skype. But from the moment we connected on Skype, Kim picked up on my energy straight away and connected promptly with five different souls I wanted to connect with. In each case there were some affirming bits coming through to convince me of the validity of Kim’s picking up the right source. The descriptions of the person, their energy and their past ailments were spot on and really awed me. I had a wonderful reading and this has shown me how remote work from Kim is as effective as her in person work. I would say to anyone having reservations, there is no barrier due to distance as thoughts are instantly communicated in energy fields and Kim picks up on them so effortlessly. It is our mortal minds that have the barriers and limitations. I think Kim does an amazing job connecting with our departed loved ones and I am convinced she is the real deal. I know much of what I say sound cliched but there isn’t any other way to say this. She is empathetic, compassionate, loving and truly gifted in this field.
May her work continue to bring peace and love into many hearts.
I approached Kim when I was about to start a new chapter in my life, taking a break from work before starting a new job, and having come through a divorce and addictions from earlier in my life. My head was quite full and lacking in clarity of direction both short and long term and I wanted to clear my mind ready to begin the next chapter feeling fresh and not carrying through the mental bad habits I had formed. Kim took me through a process over the six sessions I had with her, taking me back to my inner child, and this was probably the most powerful therapy I’d ever experienced, because for the first time I felt I had answers about who I really am, and why. I have found an inner peace thanks to Kim, with conflicts that had been with me all my life finally cleared through the hypnotherapy and crystal healing. It has changed how I deal with difficult situations and conversations, and throughout I feel a sense of calm, whereas previously the anxiety would have consumed me and continued for days. I have been truly amazed at how different I feel; how much more I appreciate the little things in life; how much healthier my relationships are; how connected I am with my true self and how I no longer sacrifice myself for the good of others. Kim is a very special soul that I know I will see again when I feel my spirit needs some care and attention.
- Transformation, Kirsty