Diamond Package

Diamond Package


Financial Abundance & Joy
Diving deep into all the different aspects of you. You are made up of every experience you have encountered, which may have left you feeling unworthy of financial abundance. Your financial abundance is based on your beliefs. The blocks to your financial abundance do not come because of circumstance but because of your belief of a limiting set point you have created. In other words once you have attained a certain level of finances your beliefs do not allow for you to attain more.  This limiting set point was most likely locked in to your reality at a young age by parents or caregivers who had their own limiting beliefs around money, that you then locked in to your reality. Would you like to release the mindset of “I never have enough” or “ there’s nothing better out there for you in terms of career? Here you have the opportunity to obtain financial freedom, stop the part of you that’s sabotaging your success and allow abundance to flow in all areas of your life.
Heal to the very core and permanently release patterns and habits that no longer serve you, locked in the unconscious mind. Recalibrate to your own needs as you understand the traits that have held you back and awaken to your true potential. We unravel all those parts, bringing each part of you back to an understanding to reach the power within, to live a life YOU desire one that you can CREATE with abundance, financial freedom and joy.

This package allows for 2 hours of sessions per week of hypnotherapy and life coaching.

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